This chart shows the timing of each of the four books, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, in relation to each other.
See also Timeline: Exodus to Promised Land
![40 years Chart 40 Years Timeline Exod to Deut](
This chart shows the timing of each of the four books, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, in relation to each other.
See also Timeline: Exodus to Promised Land
A quick overview of the first five books ....
To help you to understand the story of each book, a Bible Commentary can be used to get an overview of the contents - for the purposes of this study we have used the 'New English Commentary: Revised' as a guide to explain the times and events, broken up into chapters, of Israel's journey from Bondage to the Promised Land.
(For this study we are focusing on just four of the books listed below. To see a more detailed overview, and corresponding chart, click on the highlighted links.)